Molino Stewart specialises in providing comprehensive solutions for sustainable development through our expertise in Vegetation Management Plans (VMPs). A VMP is an essential document that outlines the ongoing management strategies for native vegetation within a proposed development site.
Obtaining a VMP report is often a requisite step in the Development Application (DA) process. This is especially true when your project is situated in close proximity to a natural drainage line or waterfront land, emphasising the need for effective vegetation management.
The NSW Department of Water mandates the submission of a VMP from individuals engaging in controlled activities such as development, construction, or earthworks on waterfront land.

At Molino Stewart, we understand that a well-structured VMP should cover a comprehensive array of components:
Description of the Subject Site: Our VMPs encompass a detailed overview of the site, complemented by mapping to provide a clear understanding of the landscape.
Management Zones: Our VMPs intricately divide the site into distinct management zones, each characterised by unique features or intended land uses. Each management zone is accompanied by a description, encompassing objectives, recommended actions, and is supplemented by photographs and a comprehensive map.
Performance Criteria: Our VMPs incorporate measurable performance criteria, often manifesting as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These indicators serve as objective measures of successful VMP implementation.
Monitoring and Reporting Methods: We outline explicit monitoring and reporting methods to ensure seamless implementation and periodic evaluation.
Time Frame for Implementation and Monitoring: Our VMPs span a strategic timeframe, typically over five years, contingent upon Council requirements. Flexibility is inherent, as the timeframe may vary based on Council stipulations.
Maintenance Requirements: Molino Stewart is dedicated to providing a holistic approach to vegetation management. Our VMPs encompass detailed maintenance requirements for each management zone, ensuring that the ecological value of the vegetation is upheld and improved.
The preparation of a VMP demands the expertise of experienced professionals. Our team of qualified ecologists and environmental consultants possess the knowledge to create VMPs that stand as cornerstones of sustainable development and ensure that your project progresses efficiently whilst preserving the natural assets of the surrounding environment.
For competitive ecological consulting services phone Molino Stewart on +612 9354 0300 or contact us by email.
Some examples of recent projects include:
Harry Graham Drive VMP
Molino Stewart undertook an Ecological Assessment for Wollongong City Council for a proposed rockfall fence and remediation works along a road in Kembla Heights (near Wollongong). Within the assessment we provided several recommendations to mitigate and minimise the impact of the works on the surrounding vegetation including the requirement to prepare a Vegetation Management Plan (VMP). Molino Stewart was commissioned to prepare this VMP.
Hunters Hill Foreshore Management Plan
Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors on behalf of their client proposed the construction of a new dwelling and renovations to an existing waterfront dwelling in Hunters Hill. The site contained a Local Heritage Item under Schedule 5 of the Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) and backed onto the Lane Cove River.
Molino Stewart was commissioned to prepare a Foreshore Management Plan to address Council’s requirements. In particular, the report outlined best practice weed management protocols which were recommended to be implemented throughout the development process, erosion control methods, and suitable landscape revegetation methods that used species endemic to the locality and allowed for the retention of visual screening and amenity, as required under the Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005.
Tudar Road Wetland and Vegetation Management Plan

Molino Stewart prepared a plan of management for an urban wetland which provides an important ecological attribute of permanent water contributing to the fauna values and conservation significance of Burnum Burnum Reserve, a core habitat in Sutherland’s Green Web. The plan of management took ecological values, water quality function and human use of the reserve into account. The local community was involved in the planning process through a workshop. Hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality modelling was undertaken to inform the technical assessment. The plan of management provided management options to remediate the wetland and improve its integration into the ecosystem, improving and protecting water quality and riparian habitat values.
Independent review of the implementation of the Ploughmans Precinct VMP and Belmont Precinct VMP
As part of the conditions of approval of the Ploughmans and Belmont Precincts of the Redbank development in North Richmond, both subdivisions were required to develop VMPs. Molino Stewart prepared these documents and the on-ground works were largely undertaken by Ecohort and inhouse by the Redbank horticultural team. Redbank contracted Molino Stewart to undertake independent reviews of the implementation of the VMPs at Belmont (2 separate VMPs, 1 for the riparian corridor, the other for a Cumberland Plain Woodland patch), and Ploughmans (1 VMP for the riparian corridor) to ensure that they are on track and in line with what was required of them.