Environmental Consultants Sydney, Flood, Natural Hazard & Ecological Consulting Services
Trusted Consultants to Government, Business & Leading Global Organisations.

Molino Stewart is a flood, natural hazard, ecological, and environmental consulting company based in Parramatta, Sydney. Our core staff includes senior environmental consultants with decades of experience in both environmental and ecological assessment and management, plus all aspects of flood, bush-fire, and natural hazard risk management. In fact, we are internationally recognised as global authorities in floodplain management and risk assessment, plus all aspects of natural hazard consulting.
Since 1995 we have been helping private and public sector clients successfully navigate complex environmental, ecological, and natural hazard challenges. We help them achieve their desired objectives in the most cost-effective manner.
We provide a broad range of environmental consulting services Australia-wide, including:
- environmental impact assessments (in support of development applications and approvals)
- environmental auditing and management systems
- ecological studies
- natural resource management
- stakeholder engagement, education and training services
You will find a detailed overview of our environmental and ecological service offerings here. Our highly experienced environmental consulting team helps clients navigate complex regulations and simplifies the environmental approvals process. We are particularly skillful in handling large and contentious projects that require community consultation, especially in circumstances where some sectors of the community and industry hold competing views. In circumstances like these, our expertise in coordinating community consultation and stakeholder engagement has been pivotal in helping our clients obtain environmental approvals.
Our expertise in environmental management systems and auditing is recognised by regulators, certification bodies, and the courts. We have been appointed as approved environmental auditors by both the NSW Land and Environment Court and the EPA, and we are also approved as Independent Environmental Auditors and Environmental Management Representatives (EMRs) by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
For competitively priced, expert environmental or ecological consulting services phone Molino Stewart on +612 9354 0300 or contact us by email.
Our flood and natural hazard management expertise is internationally recognised:
- risk assessment and damage estimation
- floodplain management and planning Approvals
- bushfire planning
- the concept design of flood and bushfire warning systems
- emergency response planning
- evacuation planning
- disaster resilience education
- post-event evaluation.
You will find a detailed overview of our flood and natural hazard consulting services here. With regard to natural hazards risk management, we are arguably Australia’s leading firm of natural hazard consultants and we have a wealth of experience dealing with flood, bushfire, and other natural hazards. We have particular expertise in warning systems, evacuation analysis and emergency response planning, community resilience education, and post-event evaluations. We also publish Australia’s leading newsletter for Floodplain Managers, Floodplain Manager, as well as This Week in Disaster Resilience, a weekly update for Emergency Management Professionals around the world.
Our reputation in natural hazard and disaster management means we are highly sought after to present lectures and papers at international and national conferences. Our active participation in the Floodplain Management Association, The International Emergency Management Society, and The International Advisory Board of the Centre for Floods, Communities and Resilience; plus our networking with Australian and international research organisations; means we remain abreast of all the latest research and best practice advancements in natural hazards management.
We have considerable expertise with Bushfire planning and consulting, and can assist with all aspects of bushfire assessments from issuing of Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) certificates through to developing alternative solutions for high bushfire risk developments.
Latest Molino Stewart News
Lilian De Torres Joins Molino Stewart / Water Technology
We would like to welcome Lilian De Torres to the
Marion Huxley Joins Molino Stewart / Water Technology
We would like to welcome Marion Huxley to the Molino
Thara Polassery Joins Molino Stewart / Water Technology
We would like to welcome Thara Polassery to the Molino
Courtney Smith Joins Molino Stewart/ Water Technology
We would like to welcome Courtney Smith to the Molino
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