Molino Stewart produces a wide range of publications related to natural hazards including the toolkits, handbooks, posters and websites. We are the publishers of Floodplain Manager a national newsletter informing and connecting floodplain managers around Australia and of This Week in Disaster Resilience, a free weekly newsfeed.
Some examples of our work include:
Floodplain Manager

Floodplain Manager is an initiative of Molino Stewart, a monthly newsletter that connects and informs floodplain managers throughout Australia. Read more: Floodplain Manager
This Week in Disaster Resilience
This Week in Disaster Resilience is a free weekly newsfeed of the latest news and research posted on the internet. Read More
Victorian Flood Web Portal (Goulburn Broken CMA) – It is important during stakeholder engagement to utilise a full range of new media to increase exposure and accessibility to the community. Molino Stewart developed a web portal for the Goulburn Broken CMA as a one-stop location for all information about flooding in Victoria and what to do before, during and after a flood.
Business FloodSafe Toolkit.

Developed a toolkit for NSW businesses to plan for flood preparedness, response and recovery. This toolkit won the NSW Safer Communities Award and was Highly Commended at the National Awards.
Flood Evacuation Capability Assessment Guide.

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) has developed the Flood Evacuation Timeline methodology as a tool for planning the evacuation of communities during flood events. This method uses a project management style timeline in order to breakdown the stages of an evacuation. This process can then be used to highlight the critical stages of the evacuation and subsequently improve planning for flood events. Additionally, the method can be used by councils and developers in the development planning process by applying the tool to proposed development.
Molino Stewart developed a technical guideline for implementing the methodology as well as a user friendly excel-based tool to determine the flood evacuation capability of proposed development. This provided resources to support councils, developers and consulting designers and engineers in their use of Flood Evacuation Timeline methodology.
Business FloodSafe Continuity Toolkit (NSW State Emergency Service): Molino Stewart designed a Business FloodSafe toolkit to assist businesses to develop business continuity plans to reduce the commercial losses of flooding.
Rockdale Flood Awareness and Education Campaign and Plan.

Molino Stewart surveyed undertook pre and post campaign surveys of residents in the Rockdale LGA to determine levels of community flood awareness and preparedness. The education campaign included a breakfast for local businesses to launch the Business FloodSafe Toolkit in the LGA. Molino Stewart prepared a Rockdale FloodSafe Guide in liaison with NSW SES and drafted a flood education plan for the LGA with a committee consisting of Council, government agency and resident representatives.
Kogarah School Flood Education Lessons

Molino Stewart designed a school flood education program for secondary schools and primary schools in the Kogarah LGA. Molino Stewart used best practice research into the role of students, schools and families in hazard resilience to guide the design of the lessons. The program was designed in consultation with teaching staff from local schools and Kogarah Council staff. The lessons developed were successfully trialled in four schools, with Molino Stewart teaching the lessons and evaluating the trial.
Home FloodSafe Toolkit

Home Flood-Safe Toolkit Developed with NSW SES
In association with the NSW SES, Molino Stewart developed a toolkit to help NSW residents in flood-affected areas to carry out appropriate actions before, during and after a flood.