Using the qualifications of our staff in education and their extensive experience in school teaching, we prepare school education resources that are linked to curriculums such as the Australian Curriculum. The education resources include teaching/learning units, student worksheets, teaching kits and teaching programs.
The linkages with curriculums are made through a curriculum mapping process. We then couple of technical knowledge of natural hazards and environment with appropriate teaching/learning activities related to the curriculum links.
Some examples of projects we have worked on include:
Curriculum Mapping of DPI School Education Products and Services
We reviewed the effectiveness of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) school education products and services by mapping them in relation to NSW K-12 curriculum learning outcomes. Gaps in delivery were identified and a report provided that gave specific recommendations for DPI to improve the focus of its school education initiatives.
Design of School Storm and Flood Education Lessons
We designed units of work for Level 4 primary students based on Victorian syllabuses. Each unit consisted of three lessons that aim to raise student’s understanding of flood risk and help them know what to do before, during and after a flood event. The lessons were reviewed by VICSES and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).
Werrington Park Environmental Education Kit
Werrington Park is a well-used open space area in the Penrith LGA consisting of a creek, artificial lake, remnant native vegetation and mown playing fields. Penrith City Council wished to promote the use of the park as an environmental education resource for local schools.
To successfully complete this project, we conducted research into the most appropriate environmental education learning activities. In consultation with Penrith City Council, we identified a trail for a self-guided study for students.
We then prepared print-ready booklets for Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 school students using the trail. We also prepared teachers’ notes for each stage and organised the construction of signs identifying stops along the trail.
Sustainability Audits for School Environmental Management Plans in the Hawkesbury LGA
Hawkesbury City Council wished to encourage schools to conduct sustainability audits as education activities and to improve their own environmental management.
This project involved evaluating the environmental audits and environmental management plans of schools in the LGA. In consultation with Council, gaps and improvements were identified and appropriate learning activities mapped to relevant curriculums.
Using the improved audit processes, we conducted pilot audits in two local schools. Audits were carried out related to biodiversity, energy use, waste management (all aspects), potable water use and stormwater management. We compiled a review report for Council based on feedback from teachers, students and the wider community.