Using our innovative, evidence-based approach to Total Flood Warning Systems (TFWS), we assess and design flood warning systems. Our approach is compliant with the Australian Government’s Manual 21-Flood Warning Systems and one its hallmarks is the focus on enabling appropriate community response to warnings.
As part of our TFWS assessment we consult with a wide range of stakeholders including local communities, emergency agencies and local councils. We do this to ensure that the TFWS is tailored to the needs of the at-risk communities.
Our TFWS assessment is aligned with local flood studies which provide an understanding of flood risk and possible flood scenarios. We seek both traditional and non-traditional methods of gaining flood intelligence and communicating warnings.
We identify the preferred TFWS configuration through economic and social analysis. We can then provide practical business plans for the implementation and ongoing evaluation and monitoring of the preferred TFWS.
We can develop TFWS configurations for flash flood scenarios where there is little warning lead time. For these scenarios people need to be warned mainly through alerting systems linked to stream or rain gauges and community-based means of communication.
World leading floodplain assessment and risk mitigation consultants, some examples of our TFWS assessment and design work include:
Design of a Total Flood Warning System for Russells Creek catchment.

We designed a total flood warning system for the flash flood catchment of Russells Creek located in Warrnambool in south-western Victoria. This catchment has over 200 residential and commercial properties and above floor flooding can occur in less than one hour after the onset of rainfall.
We used hydrologic and hydraulic data analysis, economic and social research to identify appropriate TFWS configurations for the catchment. We estimated potential savings in damages as a result of flood warning system options. We then developed a business plan for the implementation of high priority options.
Warracknabeal and Brim TFWS Assessment

We provided an expert assessment of the TFWS for the communities of Warracknabeal and Brim in south-western Victoria. Through engagement with the local community and other stakeholders, we identified existing gaps in the flood warning system and made recommendations for improvement in a report to Wimmera Catchment Management Authority. The report is available at https://www.wcma.vic.gov.au/docs/default-source/flooddocs/floodinvestigations/warracknabeal-and-brim-flood-warning-assessment-report.pdf?sfvrsn=6
Wangaratta TFWS Assessment

We provided an expert assessment of the total flood warning system (TFWS) for the community of Wangaratta. The methodology for the review included consultation with stakeholders including the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES), North East Catchment Management Authority and the Rural City of Wangaratta. Data from the hydrology and hydraulics components of the flood investigation conducted by Water Technology was also used, along with demographic data sources such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We assessed existing gaps in the flood warning system and made TFWS recommendations for potential enhancements to the system to reduce flood impacts for the community.