Floodplain Manager March-May 2023
Editorial It was good to catch up with so many of you at the recent FMA conference and to learn of the latest research and
Editorial It was good to catch up with so many of you at the recent FMA conference and to learn of the latest research and
Editorial The reported weakening of La Niña by the Bureau of Meteorology is surely welcome news to those across New Zealand and Eastern and Northern
Editorial Our lead articles this month relate to flood resilient infrastructure. It is good to see that the Federal and Queensland Governments are investing in
Editorial ‘Decisions Determine Disasters’ is the headline of one of our articles this month. It refers to an article published in Psychology Today that suggests that irrespective
Editorial As I reflected in last month’s editorial, there are many parallels between community education and response for pandemic resilience and flood resilience. This month
Molino Stewart
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NSW, 2150, Australia
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